January 20, 2018

SEO Is Not Dead

There is no minimum amount of words or text to rank in Google. The best way to secure high quality links is by creating strong content that sources will naturally want to connect their readership to. Write good content that people not only want to read, but that they will comment on and share via social media. Share your content on your company’s social media channels and other online properties. Get creative and repurpose your content into different formats like videos, slide presentations, etc. In a link building campaign, you have to find target Web sites in the first place, review them to decide if asking for a link is worthwhile, identify the contact person and send them a customized link request. To many users the personalization of search results is helpful and convenient, but an increasing number of users are disturbed by the extent to which the sites they encounter are being shaped by forces outside of their control.

Place Your Site’s Content Above The Fold

If you can’t meet a visitor’s need on that page, direct them to a page (or even another site) that can. The user will greatly appreciate it and your webpage’s authority will be boosted. Any discrepancies might cause Google to NOT show your business' information on a search result page. Search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300% The title of a post is important for many reasons. Well-structured titles will help search engines understand what the page is about. Although the role of keywords in SEO has changed greatly since the early days of search, with the evolution of long-tail keywords and natural language search, the humble keyword is still one of the fundamental building blocks of search optimization, and an important Google ranking signal.

SEO thats shines above the rest

The prospect of Google penalties strikes fear into the hearts of most webmasters -- or at least the ones who don’t fully understand them. Google has stated on the record that page loading speed is an SEO ranking signal. You can boost your site speed by using a CDN, compressing images, and switching to faster hosting. Thanks to Penguin, if you engage in buying links and you are caught, Google basically eliminates your search presence for your entire site. Local search success can be achieved by SEO. Make sure that your website is structured in a way that is friendly to search engines. If it’s tough for a search engine to crawl your site and index everything properly, you won’t get the SEO love that you deserve. The more pages you have give you more of a chance to rank well for a more diverse set of keyword phrases: this should technically lead to more traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Repeat keywords in your abstract and throughout the article

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "You can also use Fetch as Google within the Crawl section of Google Search Console to render your site the way Google sees it on different mobile devices." Generally speaking where a user is asking a question as part of their search query the results will return a featured snippet. In order to find opportunities for featured snippets we need to go back to keyword research to find suitable terms, the higher volume key phrases should be used as a basis for further research as you’ll then often see better opportunities in the "People also ask” section with more specific questions being asked that offer much better opportunities for featured snippets. The well-publicised Panda and Penguin updates have had a significant (and in my view, positive) impact on the discipline of SEO. In link analysis, search engines measure who is linking to a site or page and what they are saying about that site/page. Google needs to generate, maintain and increase its revenue. It can only be done when the searchers uses Google as a Search Engine. The searchers will use Google till the time the Search Engine is providing accurate results to the query entered by the searcher.

Google recommends quality content

Your website should be accessible to the search engine crawlers and the users with optimum site-load-speed and needs to be devoid of any broken links or errors. Sites with high accessibility enjoy better rankings than sluggish, faulty websites. Learn which industry ranking factors are important to your business and how to improve your online rankings. Search engine optimization, while a very technical practice, is a marketing function—and it needs to be treated like one. There are other things that you can do to get contextual links, such as guest bloggingand mentioning other sites in your content (and letting them know about it). As you may well know, Google has altered and changed its algorithm majorly in the last few years, introducing update after update to help the cream rise to the top. In turn, this means that SEOs and marketers have had to greatly alter their approach to SEO.

How do you present SEO services?

Many marketers will have seen a technical SEO checklist in their time. Any time a site migration is approaching or a technical audit is scheduled, a checklist tends to appear. Your keyword list should be a living document that you check andupdate at least once a month. Doing this will ensure that you arealways doing keyword research and you will keep an eye on thekeywords that are already ranking. For those of you wondering, "index” is another name for the database used by a search engine. So "to index” a page is to have it added to that database. In other words, Google has discovered your page. SEO works best when it is tailored to the Website, rather than forcing a Website to comply with a specific list of SEO requirements. You’re not optimizing for search if you require every Website to do the exact same things. Simply put, engagement is the ability to hold a user’s attention. In SEO terms, it is a measure of the amount of time spent on a page. Although Google hasn’t officially declared it, there is evidence to suggest that this search engine giant does reward sites with strong user engagement with higher page ranking.

Posted by: alton at 09:20 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 1091 words, total size 12 kb.

January 12, 2018

Optimize your search engine results

To optimize your search engine results it is important to make your URL easily identifiable. Include words that are relevant to the site as opposed to numbers and symbols. People will recognize those keywords in the URL, and are more likely to click on your link if they think it will bring them to a relevant page. Linking out to well-respected authority sites will not only increase the relevancy of your content and time readers spend on your site, but it is also believed to send trust signals to Google and improve SEO ranking. SEO criteria frequently changes and becomes more difficult, so many website owners (and so-called SEO professionals) fall out of their practice claiming that SEO is dead. Determining the unique content on a page is an important part of what the search engine does. It is this understanding of the unique content on a page that the search engine uses to determine the types of search queries for which the web page might be relevant. If your site is littered with lengthy, indecipherable URLs that don’t align well with theactual content of your site pages, restructuring your URLs should definitely be apriority during your next website redesign. Wondering where SEO comes into playhere? While just like the searchers themselves, search engines prefer URLs thatmake it easy to understand what your page content is all about.

SEO Is Not Dead

Don’t get fooled by those agencies that offer 100% guarantee to get your website amongst the top results in a short time. The only one who can do this are Search Engines (which you can’t fool) themselves. One of the best ways to get links when you’re first starting out is to ask peopleyou know to link to your site from their site using a target keyword as theanchor text -- the text being used as the link to your site. Use your network ofcustomers, partners, vendors, and even friends/family around the world to linkto your site, and ask them to link to the right locale site. Creating an SEO strategy can give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today? The world of search is a big one; even if you serve a niche industry, there are hundreds -- or even thousands -- of keywords and topics to choose from, and your choices could make or break your strategy. One day it’s perfectly OK to work in a certain way, the next day a search engine algorithm change destroys your rankings. Luckily it’s usually possible to recover your visibility, or at least some of it, whether it’s a matter of asking for a reconsideration or changing your site so it meets the latest criteria.

Localize your content for a better experience

Write a good, high-quality blog post and reach out to other blogs in your company’s industry, asking to have your blog post published on their blog. When asking, it is important that you mention the value that your blog post will bring. Making your content easy to read and understand helps make it useful to your readers. Some experts also believe that Google takes readability into account when ranking webpages. Dominating the top rankings for general keywords related to your brand may be out of your reach, but even a slight investment in SEO can help your business earn more traffic and visibility. You can read an offsite SEO beginners guide here. Once you have your on-page SEO sorted out and optimized, you will need to build backlinks to your pages to rank. Even just a few changes will have a significant impact on your website’s ranking. Don’t forget – it will still take time to see your hard work come to fruition!

Monitor the evolution of your rankings

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Launching a new website without putting 301 redirects in placeis literally committing SEO suicide. Not only will you lose all ofyour past SEO history, your rankings (and traffic!) will plummet.Always, ALWAYS 301 redirect your old site pages to your newones to let Google know where your new content can befound. " Google will send people looking for information on a topic to the highest quality, relevant pages it has in its database. In establishing domain names, you may come across articles, which may suggest not to make use of hyphens on them. You should become aware though that using hyphens on your domain name is not a bad practice. However, you should know that most people these days, are not used to typing domain names on their browsers that come with hyphens. Look for resources that deal with similar topics to your own site. You may find many Internet projects that not in direct competition with you, but which share the same topic as your site. Try to approach the site owners. It is quite possible that they will be glad to publish information about your project. There are many on-page elements that go into optimizing a piece of content for the search engines – such as title tags, keyword placement, using multiple content types, topic modeling, etc.

Encourage +1’s

The authority of the website or webpage linking to your site is also key. A few high authority links are far more valuable then many from low quality sites. Expect increased conversions, particularly those from visitors who arrived via organic search. Think of a sitemap as a list of files that give hints to the search engines on how they can crawl your website. Sitemaps help search engines find and classify content on your site that they may not have found on their own. When choosing keywords, be specific without being obscure. Never try to optimize for a single word: instead, think of a string of words that accurately describe what you do. You can use various free online tools to get ideas. Once the Search Engines crawls the web and comes across the new pages, it then indexes or stores the information in its giant database categorically, to be retrieved later when any search query related to it comes up. These giant database storage facilities is capable of processing large amount of information really quickly.

User-generated content + communities

While designing a new house, don’t you want to ensure that it’s foundation is strong enough to hold the house, and is logically designed to make it easier to go around and yet keep it beautiful? The same concept goes for your the website. A good site structure is all about keeping its navigation and logic simple, yet intuitive. Content quality, content amount, and website information are all factors in your Page Quality Rating. Images, videos, slideshows and audio act as a signal of quality content to search engines… after all, you have put in the work to make your content look good and interactive! As it may seem obvious by now, there is more to writing SEO-friendly content than ensuring you get a healthy ratio of keywords in. SEO is about providing value, not tricking search engines into ranking you higher.

Posted by: alton at 11:51 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1184 words, total size 12 kb.

Tips for conducting your research

Many beginner bloggers and webmasters think that they need to churn out lots of content on a regular basis. But the truth is that quality will always trump quantity. Sometimes you might spot a particularly juicy keyword when conducting your research. But just because a keyword has high volume, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be a good one to rank for. We’ve all been frustrated by sites that load slowly, or won’t load at all, on slower data connections. Sites that load quickly help build positive digital engagement with your business, and there’s some evidence to suggest that both load time and engagement with your content improve your rankings. On-page content is a critical component of on-pageSEO. Content is what the search engine crawlersneed to associate your page with a set of keywordsand/or key phrases. Without it, crawlers are left in thedark as to what your page is about. It’s totally understandable that Google takes user behavior into account in their assessment of which result to rank highest.

No link value is lost

Google Search Console Help Center has a set of instructions that you can follow on how to build and submit a sitemap. If you have a WordPress site, though, you can sit back and relax as a sitemap is already automatically generated and submitted to search engines for you. Another factor in determining the value of a link is the way the link is implemented and where it is placed. For example, the text used in the link itself (i.e., the actual text that a user clicks on to go to your web page) is also a strong signal to the search engines. Higher volumes of backlinks are great, but combining that with high diversity is what’s really going to move the needle. The featured snippets that SEOs have been striving to get are a prime example of how voice search has changed SEO. Optimizing for these snippets requires old school SEO tactics combined with something new. SEO allows you to capture demand when a searcher may not even be familiar with your brand name.

What worked a few years ago is now irrelevant.

Your URL’s should include your main keywords, but make sure you keep them short and friendly. Try to limit the number of characters as much as possible. Updating content across a site should be a priority as Google rewards fresher content for certain searches. With search engines becoming smarter and more sophisticated with each passing day, it has become crucial for businesses seeking the benefits of organic search engine optimization to comprehend the undertaking required to rank highly in competitive search verticals. What is SEO? The other point that has become increasingly important is that relevant anchor text should be used in links. This applies not just to external links pointing into your site, but internal linkages throughout your Web site. Much of the time, it makes sense for the search engines to deliver results from older sources that have stood the test of time. However, sometimes the response should be from newer sources of information

Complete preliminary keyword research

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Once you are done with cleaning up all the toxic backlinks pointing to your site, you need to file a reconsideration request with Google. This has to be polite and detailed, stating that you admit the mistakes you have committed, explaining the steps that you took to correct the same and promising to use nothing, but best practices for link building and SEO. " For me internal linking is one of the most undervalued aspects of SEO, with many sites having inefficient menus and/or poor site structures. Google’s emphasis on links is the most significant area of overlap between its organic and local ranking algorithms. Picking the right keywords to optimize for is very important. Usually, it’s a good idea to pick mid-tail keywords, including the local area you are focusing on. Either a piece of content can help your website’s search engine rankings or it can hurt your rankings.

Panda 4.2 as core ranking algorithm

Remember, Google doesn’t like content written for SEO purposes. Having an appropriate title will increase traffic to your site. The placement of keywords in your title has a huge impact on determining where a search engine will place your site. The page’s title should include some of your site’s keywords to increase your ranking in the search engines. Before designing a website, or even if your site is already designed, you should analyze the site’s structure. Each topic or area should have its own distinct section and flow logically so users don’t get lost, disoriented and frustrated. You need to analyze how your website is being viewed. Social signals - how many times a piece of content is shared, tweeted and liked - have become a crucial part of the way search engines decide which content is the most useful and should be ranked higher. Remember, real SEO takes time. Companies that claim they are able to get you results in a few weeks are likely engaging in unethical practices like buying links, linking to low quality or irrelevant websites, or spamming comments. These shady business practices can result in a slight boost for a short period of time, but sooner or later, search engines are likely to catch on. Not only could Google remove your site entirely, these types of tactics can ultimately destroy your online reputation.

Is there any significance to "Off page optimisation”?

Posting regular content is key to building trust with search engines and your customers alike. A posting schedule is easier to stick to when you’re writing regular content. Now, this is an important issue to be addressed. It’s important to keep in mind that if search engine traffic is your only goal, your results will probably suffer. In order to please both the search engines (who will reward you with high rankings over time) and potential customers and return visitors, you need to offer value above and beyond search engine optimization. In other words, don’t produce "thin” content that ranks and get clicks, but doesn’t provide any additional value to the search engine user. The more your website gets passed around between users all over the country (or even the world), the more popular search engines will start to take notice of your website, and the higher up it will generally appear in rankings and results. The glitz, the glam, the glorious design elements that make your website look like a million bucks … When contemplating a website redesign, it’s easy to focus only on those features that are appealing to the eye. But to ensure your new site will truly resonate with your target audience (and to save yourself from some major headaches down the road) you need SEO to be ingrained in your redesign strategy from the very beginning.

Posted by: alton at 11:50 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1151 words, total size 12 kb.

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